Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's Jack up to?

Jack is at the age where he asks question after question after question. It's hard to know all the answers to all the questions. he doesn't accept 'just because' he wants to know why, when where and how. This is his typical 'hu?' face!!
We were sitting by the window this even and Jack looked out the window and said 'look daddy has a hook on his car for me'. Let me explain. When I teach him how to write his name I always tell him a hook for a 'j'. So he recognized that Marx licence plate had a 'j' just like his name. I explained what Marx licence plate said and he loved it!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{silly fun}

Jake and Stephanie babysat the other night and we came home to this in our living room...Jack was in heaven. He had so much fun playing with Uncl Jake!!

This is Ava's Bumbo seat but Jack thinks it's his. Skinny little thing...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I thought I would create a blog for each of the kids to post pictures and milestones and quotes and whatever else I think everyone would enjoying learning about them. I wanted to create a website for each of them but this is free so...I am hoping this will serve as a journal/scrapbook for them. I will still keep jaxmom2.blogspot.com but hope to do one for each of the kiddos too. This might prove to be too much but we'll see...
